Lil Biscuit DIY Puppy Bed
This week's featured lil cutie was a very popular post a few years ago.

~ A Sweet Little Treat for the Home ~
Hello my Sweets!
People really love their pets, and they really seemed to love this idea to pamper their fur baby! Read on, hoomans, to learn how you can create a canopy bed to spoil your pooch just a little bit more! After all, we all know that they deserve it! ☺️💖🐶

Driving to work one morning, I passed this side table, waiting for the trash man. I noticed it’s chunky style and thick legs, and I knew instantly what I would do with it. You better believe I did a u-turn on two wheels! Gigi Bardot needed a new canopy bed!! Into the back of my SUV it went.

The first thing that I did was buy four finials and four decorative feet from Lowe’s. I predrilled the holes and screwed them in. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

I normally hand paint all of my furniture, but I decided to spray paint this piece because I knew just the right color to use. I spray painted the whole piece in my favorite antique white paint – Rustoleum Heirloom White in satin. This paint is the perfect shade of “not white, but white”. I also love to use it on old thrift store chandeliers to give them an antique look.

Now for the bedding and canopy! I found the perfect sized pet bed for this project at Home Goods. I then went to Walmart and found some matching fabric and ribbon. For the canopy, I cut the fabric slightly larger than the bed so that there would be excess hanging down on all four corners. I made small holes in the fabric at all four corners and screwed the finials through them to secure the fabric. I gathered the excess into big bows with the cute oversized white satin ribbon. I thought that I would get all cute and use the extra fabric to make some matching bolster pillows.🤗 Ahhhhh! can you stand the cuteness?? But alas, Gigi Bardot vetoed them. She would not get into the bed with the pillows in there. Sooooo, out they came ***sigh***. But they were adorable!! Amiright??

Once the contraband pillows were removed, Gigi settled right into her luxurious new canopy bed. Her, in that bed is cuteness overload!! The great thing about this bed is that the actual bed is removable for easy laundering. An easy project from a roadside throwaway and one happy little Pomchi. ☺️💖🐕

Thank you so much for joining me for Sugar Plum Sundae! Please check back every Sunday for more yummy recipes to transform reclaimed “junk” into sweet little treats for the home!
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Materials List (may not be all inclusive):
Krud Kutter
Wooden Feet
Wooden Finials
Rustoleum Heirloom White, 6 pack
Fabric Rotary Cutting Mat and Tool
Grosgrain Ribbon
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