Non Yellowing Sealer

Hi! It has been a minute since I have posted! I have been busy with the holidays and out of town for a townhouse reno, but back I’m to business! Today, my “Must Have Monday” item is this sealer. I have tried alllllllllll of the different sealers (including the boutique brands that claim to be easy to use) and I can say that this sealer is the most user friendly to prevent streaking and brush strokes. There is nothing worse than completing a piece that you have painted perfectly and it becomes a streaky mess once the topcoat is added! I use this sealer in different sheens on every project. I like the satin because it is not shiny, but it is not as flat as a matte can look. I apply it with a slightly damp detail sponge and work in one direction, careful to not go back over an area until it is dry and ready for the next coat. Trust me on this, use this sealer!